How To Overcome Temperament-induced Depression.

Depression is one of the mental health disorders caused by persistent low- depressed moods, and its symptoms is usually loss of interest or withdrawal from activities.

Depression is a common phenomena, and it’s common to all temperaments. Thus anybody could feel depressed, regardless of how active or outgoing they may be.

However, some temperaments often lapses into depressed mood more than others, particularly those of the introvert category. In today’s post, we want to consider how your basic temperament makes you easily prone to depression, which temperaments easily relapse into depressed moods, how you react when depressed, and finally how you can overcome this mental health challenge. How To Rediscover Yourself And Overcome Depression. First of all, let’s look at what makes different temperaments become depressed.

Factors That Causes Depression In Different Temperaments:

Sanguines and cholerics belongs to the extrovert category, thus they’re less susceptible to depression. For why should they even be depressed when they’re outgoing individuals who often finds excitement and fulfil- ment in going out there and doing what they love that makes them feel proud of themselves. Nevertheless, just like every other normal human being with the natural instinct to voluntarily or involuntarily respond to both internal and external stimuli, there’s clearly no one person that has never faced depression or depressed moments at some point in their life.

Thus, both sanguines and cholerics do sometimes feel depressed irrespective of their very expressive and active lifestyles and dispositions. But there’s always differences in the causative factors and response for the different temperaments.

For sanguines, the major causes of depression for them are: 1. When they feel lonely and bored at home for a longtime. 2. When they’re engaged in routines that deprives them of the freedom or opportunity to meet and interact with people. Sanguines are people-oriented individuals who finds more meaning in life when they’ve got the opportunity of meeting and interacting with different persons. So they could loudly and consistently express their effervescent and exuberant lifestyle. Any attempt to deprive them of their liberty to express themselves and freely socialize with people is absolutely boring to them, and could make them feel depressed. If you want to punish a sanguine and make him unhappy, just lock him up in the room for a longtime and deny him access to people. For he could loose a pound and half in just two days of not having access to anyone.

For cholerics, their inability to meet their target for the day or denied the opportunity to make decisions and be the boss when they feel they’re better eligible for it, totally bores and makes them feel disinterested. He’ll come back home very sad that he could become a terror to everyone around him, including his wife and kids. Unless he’s got a very loving spouse that understands his personality traits, and knows how to calm him, or a probably secondary temperament that helps to bring him back to reasoning, the whole house could be on ๐Ÿ”ฅ fire.

Whatever that’ll stop cholerics from achieving their goals or target or stop their opinions and decisions from flying, is a predisposing factor to depression for them. Now, let’s look at the introvert category. What’s the major cause of depression for them?

Melancholies are by far more easily prone to being depressed than any other temperament. Overthinking, worry and anxiety, being extremely critical of themselves, and their hard to satisfy attitudes are some of the main causes of a typical melancholy’s depressed mood.

Like I stated at the beginning of this post, introverts are more susceptible to depression, and they frequently lapse into it more than the extroverts. However, melancholies are easily prone to being manicly-depressed than their phlegmatic counterpart. For what would one expect from a person who worries about almost everything, a perfectionist who always desires perfection in anything he does, and someone whose mood often fluctuates intermittently like some of the major world’s currencies?

Many melancholies are easily victims of hypertension, and they more often complain of having migraine because of persistently stressing the brain and mind beyond normal, and trying to get everything to work the way they want it. Melancholies often works and sacrifices so much until they get themselves drained, just so they could get a particular thing one hundred percent perfectly completed. And if this is not achieved, it could lead them to manic-depression.

For the phlegmatics, they also easily feel depressed like their melancholy counterparts, although not frequently. But unlike melancholies, phlegmatics depression are often human-induced. Phlegmatics are very comfortable, consistent and contended individuals who loves sedentary lifestyles, and do not like to deviate from routines they are already used to. They’re also very calm, quiet and peaceful individuals who does not like anything to affect their relaxed and happy mood.

The major cause of a phlegmatic’s depressed mood is, when they feel hurt by their loved ones despite how little the hurt may be, and also when they’re faced with any form of serious conflict or major disagreements with someone.

Whatever that negatively affects a phlegmatic’s happiness or that makes them feel uncomfortable, agitated and perturbed, often predisposes them to depression. Let’s now consider how different temperaments faces and handles depression.

How Different Temperaments Faces Depression:

It’s always interesting to see a very lively, ebullient and highly-spirited sanguine feeling depressed. Sanguines are known for expressing very quick, shallow and explosive anger when they’re depressed. They will often scream ๐Ÿ˜‚ and yell very angrily in almost deafening voice, but this anger is usually short-lived the moment they’re left off the hook and have their freedom restored. They move on as if nothing happened.

Cholerics expresses deeper and most threatening angry mood when they’re depressed ๐Ÿ˜”. They’ll not hesitate to destroy anything just to express how deeply angry they are, and as a sign of letting you know that they’re in their worst angry mood. But this depressed mood does not stop them from taking on a new challenge or keep them in perpetual moodiness. They know how to easily get back on their feet to continue to push until they achieve their goal.

Melancholies are the temperament that often dwells longer in depression and depressed mood. Depression will make melancholies either overreact or react in a very unnecessary and unreasonable manner. It could also make them indulge in self-pity. They need someone who do not just understand their mood swings, but also loves them beyond their weaknesses and are ready to make them quickly get out of that depressed mood. On a very good day, and in their best mood, melancholies are very personable individuals.

When phlegmatics are depressed, they more than anyone else indulge in self-pity, and often needs the empathy of everyone around them. Depression could make them misbehave and do some nasty things if caused by their โค๏ธ heartthrobs. They could also bear inner resentments that’ll make them think of being revengeful should they have the opportunity. Eventhough, you may be remorseful about your actions against them, phlegmatics will never forget and they’ll become more careful of you to avoid hurting them the second time. Phlegmatics are always very wary of those who had hurt their feelings at any particular time. It’s time to consider how to overcome depression.

How Different Temperaments Can Overcome Depression:

There are basically two approaches every temperament should adopt in managing and overcoming their temperament-induced depression. First, they must allow the strengths of their secondary temperament have an overwhelming control in suppressing the weaknesses of their primary and basic temperament. Every human being has a combination of at least, two temperaments usually in varying degrees. But oftentimes we do not allow the strengths of our secondary temperament to be accentuated or pay attention to it as much as we give attention to our primary or basic temperament. But if you want to be a champion in managing or conquering depression, you must always allow the strengths of your secondary temperament to play a major role, especially when confronted with a very challenging situation.

For everytime we feel depressed, the main weaknesses of our primary temperament is fully on display, thus in order to quickly overcome, and get out of it, we need to be sensitive to the strengths of both our primary and secondary temperaments, and allow them control and direct our thoughts.

Secondly, we must learn to see life as a phase. We must understand that life is transient and dynamic, and it also fluctuates. You must let it sink in you that, you can’t always get everything the way you want them all the time. And always learn to accept things that happens naturally to you in life or are human induced, that you do not have the power to change. You know one thing that affects most persons in life, is their inability to accept changes that comes to them, either naturally or due to life’s vicissitudes. But if you want to have more happy than sad and depressed moments in life, you must always be willing to welcome changes and pay attention to both your primary and secondary temperament strengths.


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