Major Strengths And Weaknesses Of A Predominant Melancholy Leader In Leadership.

“A melancholy is an earth personality, very hospitable and accommodating but also very retributive and revengeful when undermined”.

The predominant melancholy leader seem to be one of the temperament that possessed the least natural weaknesses when it comes to leadership. Perhaps the conscientiousness and perfectionism inherent in the melancholy temperament usually enables these earth  personalities to be above board in their dealings and Interpersonal relationships with others.

Apart from some innate oddities and weaknesses which of course they’re the ones mostly impacted, and to some extent impacts negatively on the emotional well-being of their loved ones who perhaps they are in erotic relationship with, or those who relates very closely with them. But when it comes to leadership especially leadership outside his home, he is one personality among the four personality types that has got the least weakness or negative attitudes that tends to put others under pressure or affect their right to human dignity. While possessing the least leadership weaknesses, the melancholy leader naturally possess enormous amount of leadership strengths and qualities that usually encourages egalitarianism and hospitality.

And if his secondary temperament is choleric,  then there will be a balance in his leadership style, which seems to depict effective leadership with a human face. We are going to consider some of the major weaknesses and strengths of the predominant melancholy leader in leadership in order to know exactly what his leadership style will look like. Let us start by considering first of all some of his main weaknesses in leadership.

**Major Weaknesses Of The Predominant Melancholy Leader In Leadership:**


Pessimism is one of the main weakness that is doubtlessly attributable to the melancholy temperament. Melancholy personalities are natural pessimists. It is pertinent to make it very clear that majority of the predominant melancholy weaknesses are usually hinged around their perfectionism, two extreme behaviors or lifestyle, conscientiousness, and  failure of things to work out exactly the way  he had planned and expected after preparing very well for them. In leadership, the first and the latter are the two most common that often induces these weaknesses and make them so visible in his leadership responsibility. Hence, his pessimistic nature in leadership is usually accentuated whenever he fails to actualize or realize his goals and objectives after a long time planning and strategizing. If he failed once, it’s very difficult for him to believe that the second would work unless he is encouraged and motivated by someone to try again.

Unlike his choleric counterpart, typical melancholy lacks enough courage to keep trying and be hopeful that his next attempt will produce a positive result unless he has choleric as his secondary temperament in very considerable amount. Among the four temperaments, predominant melancholies are the least hopeful and optimistic. Next to them are their predominant phlegmatic counterpart. Sometimes, self-doubt or doubt generally also aggravates their pessimism. For the records, no one expresses doubt in himself, and over something more than a typical melancholy personality. Even when he’s got all it takes for him to actualize his dream or the signs of a very positive outcome are glaring, until he sees the final result, he rarely believes. Consequently, when he starts to become very doubtful about something, it degenerates into pessimism and finally, hopelessness.

And if he’s at the helm of affairs or in any leadership position, it is usually not uncommon for him to allow his pessimism to impact on his job, and affect his working relationship with his staff and those working for and with him. There’s no other temperament leader that allows his marital conflicts or challenges in his private life to get in the way of his public leadership role and hamper his working relationship with others in the office. It should be noted that whatever that worries a melancholy often deeply affects his mood, and when his moody state persists for a very long time, transfer of aggression and hostility becomes palpable.

Melancholy personalities have two extreme behavioral patterns. When they’re happy, they are excessively happy and they will electrify others and everyone around them with their excitement and happiness. But when they are sad, they are usually extremely sad and unhappy. During this moment, nothing and no one else matters to them. Everyone around them must have a feel or taste of their sadness. It for this reason that a typical melancholy leader likes to work with those who understands him and his mood swings, and are ready to assist him with his duties when he is down, and help him to quickly get back to his happy state.

**Easily Depressed:**

No other temperament among the four basic temperament types frequently relapses into depression more easily than a predominant melancholy temperament. Next to it, is the phlegmatic temperament. Consequently, a melancholy-phlegmatic personality will of course be the most frequently depressed of the twelve blends of temperament. This is basically because the two temperaments that combined to make up this personality are of the introvert category, thus making him a very reserved and conservative personality who often keeps to himself and hitherto increases his tendency towards moodiness and depression. Depression is closely connected with the melancholy temperament. Therefore, someone under the influence of this type of temperament will frequently feel depressed from a number of predisposing factors. For the perfectionist mentality, poor self-esteem, pessimism, and self-sacrificing nature of this person will more often than not predispose him to relapsing into a state of depression.

For a predominant melancholy leader, his natural perfectionist tendencies, pessimism, failure of achieving his goals and desires at an expected time, and his self-sacrificing trait makes him easily get depressed. A typical melancholy leader is a perfectionist who is not satisfied with anything that is not whole, complete, or one hundred percent accurate. The minutest detail is very important to him, no wonder he over-thinks, of course no other temperament is given to overthinking more than a predominant melancholy in order get something perfectly done. As a result of this, overthinking or not being able to achieve this perfection usually predisposes him to manic- depression.

Similarly, failure or inability to get something or achieve his goals and desires at the time he expected or envisaged could lead him to being pessimistic, which also exposes him to depression. And finally, a predominant melancholy leader is by nature self-sacrificing. It’s not uncommon for him to be seen carrying the entire team and the whole burden of leadership on his shoulder. His selfless and self-sacrificing qualities makes him see it as a necessary commitment to sacrifice his time, energy, and resources and overwork himself until he gets drained. Depression usually sets in when he feels drained of his virtues, and the expected results or outcomes are not commensurate with the efforts he invested.

Unfortunately, depression more often than not turns a very patient, hospitable, and admirable melancholy into an aggressive, hostile, and rude personality because he lacks the capacity to handle or manage it. He is the worst person to relate with in his depressed or moody state because it’s not uncommon for him to spring up hostility, or act in a very rude and aggressive manner. Therefore, those working with or under a typical melancholy boss are usually very careful of the best time to approach him, and even the most pleasant way to talk to him during his depressed and moody moments. Taking cognizance of his countenance and trying to decipher his facial look or disposition to know whether he is putting on a smiley face, is one of the ways to know if he’s favorably disposed or not. When a predominant melancholy is happy, it often reflects in his face, mood, and countenance, exactly the same way it shows when he’s sad. So, a very happy and excited melancholy boss  may come to work on one of his best days, and will decide to act like a humorous sanguine who greets everyone and try to lively up the whole place. But on his worst day at work, you should expect a very different attitude and behavior, which is more often than not cold and unpleasant from the same person.


Predominant melancholies are perfectionism prone, therefore, are highly critical of anything that is not perfect, or done with very high precision and accuracy. A typical melancholy leader’s perfectionist tendencies, penchant and hound for details doubtlessly makes him a nitpicker who is very meticulous about every little detail. Consequently, he will not hesitate to become critical of you, and also criticize and condemn anything you do for him that has a little trace of imperfection. It’s even worse if he’s got phlegmatic or choleric as his secondary temperament. No other personality can be more critical of himself and others more than a predominant melancholy personality.

He usually sets very high standards for himself and others that are almost impossible to meet. Failure to meet his own self-imposed standards makes him become very critical of himself, or critical of anyone who falls short his standards. This leader is interested in every little detail, even the most negligible ones. Hence, nitpicking and pointing out every little error and mistake in your job is not uncustomary for him. Conclusively, working with or under a perfectionist melancholy boss requires you to be very thorough, detailed, and impeccable in carrying out your duties in order to get his approval and have a seamless working relationship with him.

**Hard To Satisfy:**

Just as his predominant choleric counterpart is hard to please, a predominant melancholy personality is hard to satisfy. Still because of his perfectionism and lack of confidence and believe in his capabilities, his hard to satisfy attitude becomes very much glaring. A typical melancholy personality is unarguably the most gifted and talented of the four basic temperament types, but he usually finds a way to underestimate himself and his capacity. It is hard for him to accept the fact that he’s the best or has got the best. He often underrates and underestimate his capabilities to a point that even when he’s got the best, he usually believe that others have got something better better than his best.

A melancholy personality is never satisfied with examining himself. He constantly dissects himself with a continuing barrage of introspection until he looses his self-confidence and self-esteem. Since almost everything in life is interpreted by the melancholy in relation to himself, it is usually not uncommon for him to compare himself with others in terms of talents, intellect, and achievements and obviously feeling deficient because it does not occur to him that he is comparing himself to the best of other’s traits while failing to evaluate their weaknesses. His inability to properly evaluate the weaknesses of others but more often than not focuses so much on their strengths, consequently makes him trivialize his own natural strengths and capabilities to the extent that he will begin to feel inadequate with himself or with anything he had achieved.

A typical melancholy boss always demands more from his subordinates and staffs. He is seldom satisfied with any job you do for him that he hasn’t add his finishing touch to it. Even when he feels satisfied, but seeing someone do a better job could cancel or invalidate his initial satisfaction. No other leader is usually more skeptical about his staffs and subordinates doing a clean and perfect job, not their final product more than a predominant melancholy leader. It is basically for this reason that he always want to put his final and finishing touches on their products, deliverables, or work before he can feel very satisfied. Unless he has reasons to believe that you are equally a perfectionist like him who is detailed and thorough in anything you do, he will rarely trust nor be satisfied that you have done a perfect job.

**Complaining And Nagging:**

Nagging and complaining is one of the main weakness and oddity of the melancholy temperament. No other personality complains and nags more than a typical melancholy personality. It’s always had for him to express his displeasure or disapproval over something he is not comfortable with once, without frequently nagging and complaining about it. He has so much rules and standards that he holds very dear to himself, and anyone working with him must adhere strictly to them otherwise, his nagging attitude will be fully accentuated. His spouse and kids knows this about him. But it’s unfortunate that the typical melancholy does not think that complaining frequently and excessively is tantamount to nagging, which usually drives others berserk.

He holds tradition and morality in high esteem and his desire that things should be done rightly and perfectly without any trace of imperfection makes him nag uncontrollably if he sees or observes any shortcoming. Doing anything that runs contrary to his moral beliefs and standards immediately triggers his verbal criticisms and uncontrolled nagging. As a leader in any capacity, he does not tolerate indecent dressing, doing the right thing at the wrong time, garrulity during work hours, not being discretionary when discharging your duties, or making use of your initiative and common sense when it is required to do. He will not hesitate to vocally condemn, carp, and censure so bitterly about your shortcomings. This consequently often puts his subordinates under pressure, and sometimes make them loose their dignity and self-confidence.

In a nutshell, majority of the weaknesses of a melancholy leader are hinged around his perfectionist mentality and his inability to come to terms with the fact that humans are imperfect beings, hence are bound to frequently fall short of his high standards. But if you want to have a very cordial and seamless working relationship with a predominant melancholy leader, then you must be top notch, impeccable, and near perfect in your walk with him. Let us quickly consider some of the major strengths of a melancholy leader in leadership.

**Major Strengths Of A Predominant Melancholy Leader In Leadership:**

Majority of the melancholy leader’s strengths usually enables him to put the people first and prioritize human capital development and developmental projects and programs that will help to advance the society. Even though he may appear not to be interested in others and may act unfriendly, but the predominant melancholy leader or personality is usually more passionate about the comfortability and well-being of others more than any other temperament.

No wonder he is described as earth (hospitable and accommodating) in the temperament theory of Hippocrates. Much as his perfectionism and conscientiousness tends to induce some of his weaknesses, they also influence and enable his desire to have a pure conscience that is devoid of any offence towards man and God.

This leader’s interest is to leave behind a good legacy that he will be remembered for. If well harnessed, and without any external negative influence on him, his natural strengths no doubt enables him to excel in leadership, and be that leader that is capable of bringing succor and quality leadership to the people. Let us now consider some of the major natural strengths of the melancholy leader in leadership.

**Hospitable & Accommodating**:

The melancholy temperament is described as earth from the study of humorism carried out by the famous Greek physician Hippocrates, wherein the four temperament theory were formulated. One of the key attribute of earth is that, it’s very accommodating and hospitable, rarely is it hostile and discriminatory unless some negative actions that undermines it and are very inimical to it have consistently been taking. When this happens, it doesn’t hesitate to fight back through climate change and global warming, which the world is currently battling with. Global warming and climate change is as a result of the earth fighting back in a very retributive measure. Therefore, anyone under the influence of the melancholy temperament behaves exactly like the earth.

Although a naturally very accommodating and hospitable personality who has the capability to accommodate everyone, and ensure they’re comfortable and happy, but he usually doesn’t hesitate to fight back if undermined, or punish and recompense any unpleasant action taken against him. Even though he may appear to be unfriendly from a distance because of his introversion, and his disinterestedness in others, but there is no other temperament or personality that comes close to the hospitable and accommodating qualities of a melancholy personality.

Consequently as a leader, he finds it so easy to accommodate different category of people in his leadership, patient enough to listen to, and accommodate various opinions and ideas from others, and hospitable enough to cater to the needs of everyone around him, and ensure their well-being especially if he’s got phlegmatic as a secondary temperament.

The predominant melancholy leader likes to carry everyone along in his leadership style, and he usually enjoys seeing his followers, staffs and subordinates feeling happy, relaxed and comfortable especially when he feels the same way. Even though he’s rarely outspoken, lively or humorous, nor does he easily make promises, but be rest assured that he mean well for everyone in any leadership capacity he finds himself. And his conscientiousness does not allow him to disappoint you when you are counting on him.


The predominant melancholy personality is the most conscientious of the four basic type of temperaments. Unless other negativities had overtime find their way into his life, no  other personality that has his conscience more alive in him, and is highly sensitive to the pricking of his conscience more than a typical melancholy personality. For his natural perfectionism, high moral standards, and excessive consideration for the feelings of others makes him want to be impeccable in his character, and be above board in his dealings and relationship with others. Thus, a predominant melancholy leader is unarguably the most conscientious leader of the four basic temperament types whose conscience usually enables and guides him to do the right things, and his passion for the wellbeing of others tends to make him implement projects and programs that will impact positively on the lives of those he is superintending over.


Self-sacrifice is one of the golden qualities and attributes every leader must possess; for it is an examplery leadership style that will not only enable the leader to achieve majority of his smart and laudable goals, visions and objectives but also motivates his followers, staffs, and subordinates to be willing to make personal sacrifices for the successful actualization of the leader’s goal and vision.

Therefore, any leader that possesses this quality undoubtedly accomplishes and achieves more in leadership. Even though selfishness is inherent in his character, and sometimes his attitude and behavior may be considered selfish especially when he try to create the impression that he is perfect and faultless, and thus excessively criticize others for their mistakes and weaknesses. But don’t take it away from him, no other temperament come close to the natural self-sacrificing qualities of the predominant melancholy personality. This is particularly visible and glaring when a responsibility is placed on his shoulders.

The predominant melancholy leader is the most self-sacrificing leader who is very willing to carry the whole burden of leadership on his shoulders, and ensure that all the dividends of his leadership responsibility is actualized. He does not hesitate to work longer hours more than the normal working period, or sacrifice his comfort, energy, and resources if they are necessary to enable him deliver very good dividends to the people or achieve the best result for his team without bothering and compelling his team members or those working with him to do same. But because of his exemplary self-sacrificing leadership style, those working for, and with him are usually  compelled by it to make similar sacrifices.


An enterprising leader is naturally gifted with the foresight and intelligence of discovering new business opportunities that can improve the economic activities and development of those he is leading. The typical melancholy leader is a very enterprising leader. His natural intellect, strategic thinking, and foresight enables him to foresee and discover some key business opportunities that will engender economic development, and improve the living standards of everyone. Apart from the choleric leader who comes close, no other leader is more business minded and usually finds it very wise and strategic to invests in some sustainable, longterm economic growth and development more than a predominant melancholy. If you need an enterprising leader who has got the ability to conceive new  business ideas that can improve the economy and socioeconomic wellbeing of the people, then a predominant melancholy is perfectly suitable for that.


There is absolutely no other temperament that is as thorough and detailed in the discharge of his duties more than a predominant melancholy personality. He is very meticulous and circumspect about everything he does. Caring about every little detail is usually not uncommon for him. Consequently, he tends to deliver the best quality product or service of all. His innate perfectionist tendencies and attention-to-detail doubtlessly enables him to achieve efficiency in anything he does with very little to no error. Therefore as a leader, you can definitely count on him to be very thorough with his staffs and subordinates in discharge of their duties in order to deliver the best quality service and efficient leadership.


Self-discipline is very synonymous with the predominant melancholy temperament. And anyone under the influence of this temperament will be a highly disciplined person. I believe his two extreme behavioral pattern, self-consciousness, and self-respect often enables him to be more self-disciplined than others. As matter of fact, no one can be self-sacrificing without being self-disciplined because it takes being disciplined to sacrifice your comfort, privileges, immediate gains and delay instant gratification and overindulgence for something that will be more beneficial subsequently.

As a leader, the predominant melancholy leader is self-disciplined enough to be able to accomplish and achieve all his leadership goals, visions, and aspirations. This strength and quality also trickles down to those working for and with him, and makes them become more organized, responsible, and productive in their jobs. Even though the melancholy leader is not as decisive as his choleric counterpart since he needs all the details and be convinced that he’s making the right decision before he can finally decide. But once he makes up his mind, he is disciplined enough to stick to his decisions regardless of any pressure to rescind it.

Self-discipline also enables him to keep to his rules and fulfill his promises. As a leader, he could make a rule that everyone must be at work or in the office by 8a.m, you can trust he will keep to that rule. This strength also enables him to avoid making promises that he cannot fulfill. He hardly makes promises, but if peradventure he makes any, he’s got enough self-discipline to keep to it and bring it to reality.

I also believe that his perfectionism and conscientiousness does not permit him to let you down when you are counting on him. Therefore, if you are working with a predominant melancholy boss, you must be aware of the fact that you are working with a disciplinarian, and someone who does not shirk from his responsibility and obligation.

**strategic & Intelligent:**

A predominant melancholy personality possess an innate high IQ. He is the most naturally Intelligent of the four temperament types. He usually deploys this intelligence and intellectual capabilities in various endeavors of his life. Even though these personalities may appear very simple and naive because of their calm and reserved nature, but make no mistake about it, they are highly intelligent people who knows much more than you think but usually conceal their true qualities.

Thus, the melancholy leader is the most intelligent leader whose intelligence and intellectual capabilities often comes to bare on his leadership role especially when dealing with various categories of people. He understands and knows how to relate with everyone according to their peculiarities. He knows how to put round pegs in round holes, and delegate responsibilities to the most suitable person who can accomplish a particular task.

The typical melancholy leader is also very strategic in the accomplishment of his goals and visions. He seldom embarks on any project or program without adequate strategic planning and thinking, and he sure knows the right or best time to act in order to achieve maximum result. This consequently enables him to achieve majority of his leadership priorities and meet his goals and objectives without dissipating so much effort and energy.


The typical melancholy personality is gifted with the ability to think, rationalize, and proffer solutions to problems. Whenever a new challenge is presented to him, his intellectual and analytical skills and ability is immediately activated to conceptualize various workable solutions. He is a detailed person who likes to get to the root and remote cause of a problem before coming up with any possible solution. His analytical ability and attention-to-detail enables him to properly analyze a situation and come up with the most appropriate solution.

As a leader, even though he may initially lament and display a very negative attitude that depicts hopeless and pessimism when an unexpected challenge is presented, but he usually goes back to his privacy to critically analyze the situation, innovate and think out a solution. No other leader engages in research for either innovative reasons or to generate solutions to problems more than the melancholy leader.

When this leader is confronted with a problem or challenge, dwelling so much in complaining about the problem often irritates him because for him, it is pointless doing so when the challenge is already festering. But he usually prefers thinking outside the box for a possible solution or the best way forward. This is no doubt one of the strength that often enables him to navigate through any difficult challenge in leadership. If you need a leader who is a think-tank, then a predominant melancholy personality perfectly fits into that category.

In conclusion, the typical melancholy leader is a complete leader who is naturally gifted with all the capabilities that are necessary to succeed in any leadership role. He is a leader who knows how to combine strategic thinking and planning, intelligence, self-sacrifice and discipline to make his visions as a leader become a reality. Unlike his typical choleric counterpart leader who could focus mainly on physical infrastructural development and pay very little attention to human resources development. The predominant melancholy leader is versatile, whatever that will improve the living standards and socioeconomic wellbeing of people is usually given utmost priority in his leadership.

Demystifying The Melancholy Personality In Erotic Relationship:
Melancholy Personality Vocational Handbook:


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